Thursday, January 20, 2011

It's a New Year

Beginnings are great.  They are a great time to take stock, plan, and re-evaluate the past. They are a fresh slate, a clean start, a chance to become the outcome we want.

The hard part is sticking to the plan. NOT reverting back to old ways, and staying the course. But, we are talking about beginnings, now.

Every year I make New Years Resolutions. Sometimes they stick, or at least partially stick - sometimes, not so much.

Here are my resolutions for this year :

1. Embrace my Suzie Qness.
2. Celebrate me.
3. Become self-full.
4. Try new things.
5. Stay consistent (blog included - trying to do at very least one post a week)
6. Want less, utilize more of what I have.
7. Focus on the Positives.
8. Follow my passions.
9. Speak my truth.
10. Enjoy Life.

Some of these I have got going on, already, just a re-affirmation of the process. Some of these I need a little work on. But afterall, we are all works in progress, right?

Hope everyone had a great Holiday.

What are your New Years Resolutions?
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