Wednesday, September 26, 2012

A Lesson Learned - with a side of gravy...

Who else here loves food?  And with Thanksgiving just around the corner, I have been thinking about food alot.  Food and the things we need to live.  Survival.  Plants need food, water, sun, to live, as the Lil Pixie always tells me.  We need shelter, food and water.  But there is a difference between surviving and living.  When our lives are in crisis, and our world is in chaos and turmoil, survival is all we can afford to expend our energy on.  Merely surviving from one moment to the next.  This type of living can last for years.  And it takes its toil.  It takes its toil on your body, mind, spirit and heart.  Once you are able to move past crisis, and assess the trauma, it may take awhile to get back on the road of just plain living - as survival mode has become such an habitual way of life.  But there is a point where you must incorporate other things into your living plan.  Love and wants.  They too have their purpose.  They too increase your survival.

Although their are definite distinctions between wants and needs, especially in terms of my monthly budget ;) You have to make room to allow yourself some wants.  Spoil yourself, indulge in a few little splurges every now and again.  Live.  Love.  Enjoy.  I can remember when after leaving the Moron, money was beyond tight, and EVERYTHING was an indulgence.  Milk, oreos, fresh fruit....all these would be bought sparingly, and generally only indulged by the Lil Pixie.  Because that's what we, as mothers do.  I now allow myself a little indulgence for us both every once and awhile. 

My favourite food is mashed potatoes.  And my mother still makes the best darned mashed potatoes.  This thanksgiving, i will be adding gravy to them as a declaration that I am worth it, that i am out of the survival stage and have gotten down to the point of truly living...


Judy Susan said...

It's always nice to get to the indulge a little stage.  It's a long haul sometimes, but it's so nice to get there.

Dazee dreamer said...

This is a great post. And I too love homemade mashed potatoes.

Nain @ Viewfromdownhere said...

Good for you!  Mine is sweet potato casserole :-)

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